Petronilla Hohenwarter
8:00 pm , Artist Studio, Back Yard Window, Waldkirchen, Germany
I cried out about my physical and psychological injury, about my emotional wound inflicted on me as a 6-year-old girl by a man and narcissist- a rapist, who tortured me unconsciously for most of my life. Since I confronted my post-traumatic stress disorder, I experience healing for my soul. It is a collective and global wound that rape has inflicted on us, women, lowering our naturally given divine power - for this, I raise my voice and scream. I screamed out about the injustice and not wanting to hear about women's rights in the 21st century in relation to the ignorance and power of old white men and their patriarchal attitudes - a woman has dignity and a voice. This worldwide is a gauge for democracy, peace, tolerance, and equally - a gauge for security. A cry for feminist policies that empower and protect women.
I looked during my scream in the direction of the house where the act of rape happened, which has taken the joy of life away, once in a while, since my early childhood. I felt a tremendous and final healing rage rising from my pelvis into my heart and most of all a relief after the cry....
Flavia Bertorello
I staged the scream in a dream. "I reclined in bed carrying an emotional discomfort that is hard to articulate. Feeling confined, I scream, waking myself up."
Beatrice Albuquerque Mendes
• where did you stage your scream?
New York, NY, 1 April 2022, 8 AM
• what are you screaming the loudest about? Traffic
Christopher Stout
• where did you stage your scream?
I lit a circle of 5 candles and released my scream whilst sitting in the lotus position in my living room in the West Village, NYC. Recording at 11:00 pm on April 01st.
• what are you screaming loudest about?
I am screaming simply to release the sounds into
the air for closer examination.
Colette Copeland
Why do I scream? I scream for justice, gender, and racial equality. I scream to be heard. In 2021, Texas legislators passed a bill preventing women from healthcare access to safe abortions after 6 weeks. I scream for women’s loss of choice and control over their own bodies.
I staged my scream in my garage on a very cold day--February 4th, 2022 at 11:54 am. I chose the garage, since my son and husband were both at home, busily engaged on work conference calls. The photograph of the garage door reminded me of a soundproof, padded cell referencing how history has methodically silenced women, diagnosing hysteria as a medical disease with extreme treatments such as incarceration in insane asylums, electro-shock therapy, and the surgical procedure of hysterectomy.
find screaming to be cathartic, especially growing up in an environment where I was taught that children should be seen and not heard. I particularly enjoy screaming the F word, since ladies are not supposed to curse. After this particular scream (sans the F word), my throat hurt for a couple of hours afterward. (But it was worth it!)
Ginny Sykes
Where did you stage your scream?
March 22nd, 2022 In the car in the alley behind my house. Chicago, IL, USA
What are you screaming the loudest about?
This is where the back of my house is facing. I am about to lose the sky and the wind and the airflow and the sun and the space around my home and be closed in by a developer who busted through the actual zoning to get an upzoning and build 5 stories. But my screaming was really cumulative despair and anger and sadness. Too much death too much minutia to attend to every day too much sorrow in the world too little care for life and the planet too much emotional fatigue.
The scream was not premeditated. It just blurted out. I did not feel better afterward. I felt like I wanted to cry but I couldn’t. Or drive fast somewhere. Or just escape. But it felt like there was no escape/and still does. I’ve never quite felt like this before, so depleted when I screamed.
The 5th Planet/J.Sawyer
• where did you stage your scream?
In a storage shed, 8:02 am
• what are you screaming the loudest about?
Jim Morrow
As I walk north under the viaduct from 1550 South Blue Island Ave. in Chicago, I come across a tag proclaiming FAKE VIRUS. I assume some knucklehead with a stencil added this to an existing heart. I am just so tired of the misinformation machine, the nonbelievers, or wing nuts against the social responsibility that most of us practice. I regret to say, my sympathy for the unvaccinated, those who ask for the vaccine when it’s too late, is lacking. It frustrates me that we could have prevented a million deaths if the country had worked together instead of against each other.
Please add my scream to the collective, hoping that someone will hear us before it is too late.
Kim Laurel
Sunday, 3/27/2022, 3:30 pm
North Branch Trail, Northfield, Illinois 60093
GPS: 42.088976, -87.760263
Pedestrian Tunnel under the Edens Expressway
Screams for the state of the world: Pandemic, politics, January 6th, Ukraine, and more.
Location: Part of our weekly nature walk, great acoustics in the tunnels.
Feeling afterward: relief
Patrick McBriarty
I was in my car on Cermak Road just west of the Chicago River and it was mid-afternoon.
I was frustrated - from the poor handling of the pandemic to the unrelenting narrative of fear and profit around the vaccine, the disregard for doing the right thing and true protection of public health, while bastardizing people's concept of science, safety, and curtailment of rights and honest debate to enforce restrictive and dangerous policies that have harmed the mental, physical health, and education of youth many will not ever get back.
It was good to vent and put voice to this anger and frustration brought about by moneyed interests and people in power beyond my control or influence.
Pam Peterson
My scream was staged Saturday, March 19, 1 PM EST on the Prince Edward Viaduct overlooking the Don Valley Parkway in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The viaduct is a large concrete and metal bridge that joins the east end of the city to downtown. A few years ago, a veil of cables was installed which soar above the railing of this bridge. It was built to stop desolate folk from throwing themselves to their deaths onto the speeding traffic below.
My screaming encapsulates intense frustration resulting from having to move four times during the pandemic finally, and reluctantly, from the country into the city. Renovictions, building sales, and rising rents have driven me into a third-floor apartment with a crazy woman living below. I am constantly barraged by emails about garbage, and with loud music and complaining voices. I am trying to recover from a serious traumatic brain injury - I and my car were totaled. Weekly, I am assailed by the insurance company for yet more assessments, forms to fill and mail, and treatment and payment denials.
How could I find the right place to stage this I asked? It seemed apropos, as a statement, that the one place that had been a previously selected suicidal stage for many, now only provides a roadblock to action. I stared through the veil to the roaring traffic below… and screamed!
The scream surprised me … this is not something I often do! I only screamed the once as I was fearful of what I might unleash if I was to do it again.
Yvette Dunn
I did this scream in the car on Boardman Road In Perth Australia. I tried to get my husband involved.
Margi Brown Ash
I screamed in a forest, covered in snow, the west of Finland. Inside I was fearful. I did not want to upset anyone who may have been standing in another part of the forest. Inside I also felt excited: how liberating, how freeing to be able to scream away all the pressures that have built up, pressures of relationships, pressures of government, pressures of work…the scream was so good. So therapeutic. Thank you, Cyd. I think this is a therapeutic intervention that many of us would love to embrace.
Margie Glass Sula
Time: March 27th 2022, 1:47pm CST.
Place: My backyard, Morris, IL
Screaming (or Vibrational Vocal) for restoration.
After days of dismal sky in the Midwest, the sun made a return and I felt the rays vibrating down, it felt restorative.
Paul Lorenz
Buckeye, Arizona
6:45 pm
I screamed in my living room on the eve of driving off to Mexico with my partner and dog. It has been a huge amount of internalizing to prepare for Act 4 of my life...renovating a house in Merida, Yucatan...playing in all the new media that the pandemic opened up for me...letting art be fun again...
Fletcher Hayes
Sunday, March 27, 2022
GPS Location for image and both recordings:
42.089099, -87.759465
North Branch Trail, Northfield, Illinois 60093
Pedestrian Tunnel under the Edens Expressway
Scream 1: Dangerous daily disinformation on Fox News distorts hearts and minds of Americans.
Scream 2: Trump’s “Big Lie” Seditionists remain in government office, legislating with impunity.
Gratified by the tunnel’s great acoustics!
Screams are focused against the world’s greed, anger. and stupidity. Feelings afterward: Scratchy throat and frozen fingers – seeking warmth.
Miguel Velit
Yo hice el grito alas10.50del día en mi studio lima Perú
Grito Sonidos diferentes que emana de mi ser con tonos altos bajos y silencios son tonos primitivos de un artista latino.
I screamed at 10:50 a.m. in my studio in Lima, Peru
I scream various sounds emanating from my being with high and low tones and silences. These are primitive tones of a Latin artist
Sarah Rieser
Thursday, March 31st at 11:39 am
1437 Lily Cache Lane, Boringbrook Illinois 60490
Kitchen Sink
I'm screaming loudest about Being a Bitter Betty
As a severely immunocompromised adult, confined at the home of my retired parents for more than two years, I am sick and tired of hearing how the pandemic is over when my arm is still swollen and sore from the fourth injection of a vaccine too many of my fellow Americans cannot even be bothered to get a first dose of, watching the capitalist machine grind forward over the bones of nearly one million dead in order to achieve another imaginary ‘post’ world ignorant of rapid variant and long haul reality, losing my ability to even plan for a future that includes more than watching from these windows the birds which have taken flight with my screaming. (Oh and, the tail end of this recording includes my mother since she always has to have the last word.)
I wouldn’t say I chose this place since I almost never leave the house. But I did choose the kitchen because it has a cathedral ceiling, which made me think of sending my sounds up to heaven. Or out into hell. And I would love to say that this scream was cathartic and not just one of many that have escaped me since Spring 2019, but that would be a lie. I can only hope that the eventual symphony will create a dissonance of such terrible beauty as to renew my faith in the power of art.
Sirious Sonorous
I cannot explain what my loudest screaming is about because I make music as a vocal stylist and performance artist. I use my voice a lot, melodically and with texture and resonance, and I can direct my voice into a particular emotion without having that specific emotion itself.
I staged my scream in the room where I used to jam and play music with a couple of friends called Sauna Club. The scream file I made around 11 pm was actually for a dark electronic project I'm involved in, and it is overdubbing.
So, with all I wrote above, my loudest scream is about a Silent Scream. When I recorded my voice, I was just articulating my breath. My mouth, the filter, and the effect do the rest.
April 15, 2022
Haukijärvi, Finland
Near Arteles Creative Center, somewhere in a forest
7:36 PM
I have been in Finland for two weeks. The PTSD from daily bad news, violence, oppression, and stupidity, or worse, a lack of moral compass of too many in politics, is beginning to fade. I feel calmer now, not much like screaming. The adrenaline-fueled stress has left my body - screaming is pre-emptive. I am here – now – right now, in this magnificent place where the forests and lakes offer comfort for a disturbed traveler.
Adele Posse
Where did you stage your scream: I was on a bike ride during my stay at Arteles Art Residency in Finland.
Why are you screaming: Excitement to be alive.
Is there anything else you want to add: the adrenaline you get when you get into a slope and your bike goes really fast. (like a child sensation)